Islamic Banking Student Participates in Online International Exchange Program Organized by With The World

  • 15 Juli 2023
  • 01:47 WITA
  • Admin
  • Berita

Makassar, July 15, 2023 - A student from the Islamic Banking Department at the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI), UIN Alauddin Makassar, proudly took part in the Online International Exchange Program conducted by With The World from April 2023 to July 2023. This program, which was offered free of charge, was exclusively available for participants aged 18-23 years old.

The student, whose name is withheld for privacy reasons, joined the exchange program to broaden their international perspectives and enhance their academic and cultural experiences. The program aimed to foster global understanding and collaboration among young individuals interested in various fields.

Commenting on the achievement, Ismawati, S.E., M.Si., Head of the Islamic Banking Department, expressed her satisfaction with the student's participation in such a prestigious international program. "We are proud that our student seized this opportunity to engage in an enriching international exchange, which aligns with our department's commitment to fostering global competence among our students," she remarked.

Dr. Supriadi, S.E.I., M.E.I., Secretary of the Islamic Banking Department, also emphasized the importance of such initiatives in shaping well-rounded individuals prepared to face global challenges. "Participation in international exchanges like this not only enhances academic knowledge but also nurtures cultural sensitivity and global citizenship," he added.

The online international exchange program facilitated by With The World provided participants with unique insights into global issues, cultural diversity, and collaborative learning opportunities. Such experiences are integral to preparing students to become future leaders in the global Islamic banking and finance industry.