Makassar, July 9, 2024 - Secretary of the Sharia Banking Department Attends Scientific Writing Workshop by Puslitpen LP2M: Efforts to Improve the Quality of Journal Publications

  • 10 Juli 2024
  • 11:25 WITA
  • Admin
  • Berita

In an effort to enhance the quality of scientific journal publications, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin Makassar held a Workshop on Writing Scientific Articles for Reputable International Journals. This event was organized by the Research and Publication Center (Puslitpen) of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) and took place at Sultan Alauddin Hotel & Convention, Makassar, on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector I of UIN Alauddin Makassar, Prof. Kamaluddin Abunawas, along with the Secretary of the Sharia Banking Department and other academic lecturers. In his opening remarks, Prof. Kamaluddin Abunawas emphasized the importance of improving the quality of scientific writing among academics to compete on an international level.

"This workshop is expected to provide a deeper understanding to lecturers about the standards of scientific article writing accepted in reputable international journals. Thus, the quality of our publications will increase and positively impact the university's ranking," said Prof. Kamaluddin.

The workshop involved several expert speakers in scientific writing and international publication. They provided materials on writing techniques, publication strategies, and ethics in scientific writing and publication. Participants also had the opportunity to discuss and receive direct guidance on the manuscripts they are currently working on.

The Secretary of the Sharia Banking Department, who attended the event, expressed hope that this workshop would be a momentum for lecturers to be more productive in producing quality scientific works. "Support from the university through activities like this is very important for us lecturers to continue learning and improving our writing skills. Hopefully, the results of this workshop can be applied soon and make a tangible contribution to our academic progress," he said.

This workshop is part of a series of activities planned by LP2M UIN Alauddin Makassar to promote a culture of writing and publication among academics. With events like this, it is hoped that more scientific works from UIN Alauddin Makassar will be recognized at the international level.